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[Russian translation is below]

From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Jaya Sri Hari
Date: 16 July 2001 11:09

Hari Hari

Haribol Indradyumna prabhu, pamho. Have been reading your article on Chakra. Good stuff. It seems that Bhaktivaibhava spreads his  angry mood on his disciples everywhere. You can see our webpages on: //krsna.wz.cz and  //sweb.cz/facts  (under Jnanadipa das)

Don't give up. I wish you good luck and inspiration from Krishna.

Ys Janaka Gauranga d.

��: <[email protected]>
����: <[email protected]>
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����: 16 ���� 2001 �. 11:09

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